Optimal performance and confidence are experienced in the mind and the body.

I believe the intelligent and most effective solution to performance issues has to include both mind and body. My work is grounded in my knowledge of managing the fight-flight-freeze response to reduce unhelpful anxiety.

Natural confidence and resilience building require self-regulation of the nervous system.

Mind and body are connected, more than was ever thought before (Descartes was wrong about that!) and contemporary neuroscience is confirming this. Especially in relation to the Vagus Nerve, which plays a critical role in how safe we feel and how well mind and body work together, and this is key in how phobias and fears manifest themselves.

I am about creating realistic and sustainable results, not overblown hype.

My clinical specialisms:

  • Public speaking phobias
  • Performance anxiety 
  • Stage Fright
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Trauma

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am a Complementary Therapist and Coach based in Harley Street and I have never had a client I wasn’t able to help. Although the modalities I am trained in have created some impressive results, no specific outcomes can be guaranteed or implied. Everyone is different and nothing works for everyone 100% of the time. I promise to do my very best for each individual and would prefer not to take on a new client if it appears we’re not a good fit. This rarely happens, but should this be the case, I’d be happy to refer you to another reputable colleague.